Welcome to KnyteCyde, the deep darkness of us in the Knytes-of-Anarchy, in the cool predawn hours.
Last nights foray into broadcast was somewhat frustrating, in that our music pipeline was being siphoned off by the many who accumulate online. So I put er into auto mode, fed the cat, and decyded to get online and carve out something that although many have heard the interior of it, still the situation and its continued use is well, continued.
It was just slightly after I began the campaign to enlighten the mass’ of why they should call us at then the infamous Hazzard County Garage of Hagerman, aka Hazzard Idaho.
So there was one night I was shoehorned into watching the movie Cinderella on some pre Disney Channel.
In that film there is the part where the Prince puts on the glass slipper on Cinderella’s foot. My then young step son said there’s your attention grabber for the TV ads for the toew truck. Don’t just put on the slipper, kiss the whomever models toes. Saying at the Hazzard County Garage we luv toews.
I learned early in the search for the talent and in doing the ad, that bare toes taste, unless very clean, kinda stale. Moreover there is a sanitary issue. So since we mirrored everything else Dukes and Hazzard, since sweet Daisy, wore nylons due to network censorship, and in my case made even the goofiest legs and toes look better. Nylons hid hammer toes, bunions and so on. Plus with some slight flavoring like a sprinkle or two of cinnamon made my task of kissing her toes on camera most usually for 10 minutes at a time to get the right camera angle and all a bit more bearable. So that started that.
The first gal to undergo the deed was a gal pal of the Ace of Spades Claressa Allen. Her feet were size 5 and her toes were extremely dainty. But she had a giggling problem. As her toes and feet were very ticklish. So that made video production difficult but not impossible. Over the years there have been many that have posed with their toes under my nose in nylon hose against my lips, but I have learned too. One can purtty much gauge the ability and the dedication of talent to task, if they can just kick off their shoes, put their toes in hose in my face without 200 questions. The first that I worked with in this regard was a gal friend round these parts named Robin Whittaker.
Robin saw an ad a three line ad in the then farm want ad paper Farm Times, b4 that got bought by Lee Communications, same ones that own the Slime News of Twin Falls.
Any mile, Robin came in for the interview. Filled out some paper work then I hit her up on the toe kiss. She hadn’t wore her nylons, but went right home , and in about 10 minutes came in, said here you go, if you can stand em , have fun.
Now Robin is one that wanted the job. She came in and within 2 weeks, could voice an ad so well on radio, that I could mix background music otherwise known as a music bed under her talking that it was uncanny. Thing is Robin did not ask questions. Albeit she was engaged at the time, I purtty near think I could have asked her to go nude or do the wyld thing and not have missed a beat.
Oh and by the highway, her feet never did stink. She’d come in at least an hour to half hour prior to air, do her pre read of copy, do make up, and all, and be ready to go on air, just like a pro.
That year a biker publication was here in the area, saw our gig on TV, and bought Robin for a big chunk of money, but Robin is the first high standard that I hold the bar for when it comes to my assessment of ability as far as dramatic talent for the club or the company.
The second is our Miss NurseGoodBody
On the first call, I said to her on the initial interview that I needed her to wear nylons to the audition. Ellie Mae never asked one question as to why, just did I want pantyhose or stockings? She came in, in some black boots that I’d love to have for the trophy case, any mile, she came in, and when asked unzipped those boots and it was toe Heaven. No corn chip smells no nothing, her little webbed toes in hose,
and about 2-1/2 weeks later,
with no hold ups. None of the other talent we interviewed cept for Emme, even went for it.
Thing is, and while most guys don’t think of the feet and toes in or out of nylon hose, those toes are some of the most erogenous zones on a woman or girls body. The other thing is the self conscience thought that their feet and toes stink bad. Fact is, women’s feet have a slightly different ph level than us guys, thus feet on women just do not stink at least to guys. Feet also give off tremendous amounts of those pheromones.
However the key here in talent screening for the club etc, is, is if a gal, can pull off her shoes, in nylon hose and allow me to sneak a smooch, then I know that just about anything else within reason, she’ll do without the hold up’s of those much shyer. It’s a situation of again, dedication to task.
Why is that important? Simple whether it’s a local TV station doing the shoot, or a video crew from Hollywood, at anywhere between $150.00 per hour local, to several thousand dollars per hour Hollywood, when that director or video-ographer say action, the fewer takes need be done, the less money I or the club spends the more money the talent makes and most importantly, it takes less time for the club, or my business to see a return financially .
If you have to spend a bunch of time asking or near begging, for a talent to do something, or some damn assed boyfriend or guy pal, keeps fussing with your rehearsals, guess what ? It’s costing me and this costs the talent money. So that’s that on that and why we do it. Simply to make a TV or video ad , or production, similar to things Hazzard, all leggy, to get the idea across that we love to toew.
As I close this early morning, have you ever wondered about a cats eyes? How during the day they’re just a slight slit, and then at night wide open. During the time their eye’s are just a slit, just how much can they see? The other question is, when kitty’s dream, what do they dream about.
As you may have gathered , one area kitty has adopted me, not the way around. She’ll come up to me, over just about anyone else in the compound.
More on that, but I hope this enlightenment, on my fuss with nylon toes , satisfies the curious. It’s nothing to do with sexual arousal, or being real gnarly, sure a bit kinky, but hey, whether it’s a billboard, TV ad, or newspaper slick, which are you going to remember more? This or this>>>>
Enuff said.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.
--Albert Einstein
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