In 2002 when AyreWolf FM went online as a strictly streaming radio station, we felt then we were on the threshold of something cutting edge.
We initially got our inspiration from a guy in Nashville by the name of Steve Wolf. This was caused through a web search for anything radio with wolf in the url, or name. Only two came up, KWLF a radio station in Alaska, and Steve’s wolffm. So I looked at a hyper link on Steve’s site and contacted his hosting company, and we been together ever since, up to 2005, when I idiotically moved from Bountiful Utah to Evanston Wyoming. On the verge of relaunching in Evanston, moving here to Idaho, the real inside on that has been covered elsewhere.
With that in mind and with some facilities still needing work, we are looking at relaunching all our radio ops online, via coming just after Christmas. The challenges of finding Internet facility providers that will give us both bandwidth and all is still part of the uphill climb. The other part is the same as it always has been. Finding 3 female radio personalities, and 3 male radio personalities, preferably SAMCO MC or Knytes/AyreWolvez members who want to sit in a studio that can get along, gain chemistry and create great radio for 6 hours a day.
The reason is simple. I and the two that oversee this radio op part of the club, are out working other jobs, either doing the trailer trucking shuffle everyday for two weeks at a time, one that runs a hog farm near Wendell, Idaho, and me. I have the bike shop, and BlackSheep(formerly Dixie) Toewing, to work 24 7 365. Somewhere in all of that I need to sleep, eat, poop, plus work my own company. Plus what am I going to do have em all run through the front room all the time.
Streaming radio Hazzard style means 24-7-365 streaming radio, done LIVE all 4 , 6, hour time periods, 7, days a week. NO RECORDED shows. Which is why having the thing in someplace other than where I live is essential.
At the same time is the OTA(Over-The-Air) KDXB/KTOW/KDOH FM 105.3 Burley, FM-105.7 Buhl, FM 93.3 American Falls Idaho. This means feeding these stations with the exact same content as what folks hear online. While the OTA operation does not go full tilt till next April, getting the on air/Online people ready and up to solo status is critical. And you thought your day was tuff.
The fact is, streaming is reaching monumental status. From Warbird Radio back east, Wolf-FM Nashville and of course HazzardAyre here in the Mountain West , streaming radio give us that just drop several million in the FCC’s bucket for to start a radio station, but still gives some to strut their stuff.
Clear Channel one of the nations largest broadcast groups, runs an outfit called IHeart radio, amongst others, in the bizz , but who in Idaho knows how to put the back as well as the front end of a web site to enable that online station to take to the cyber ayrewaves? I have searched from one end of the state to another, and the only one that has the right stuff, is a place called Surf The Snake in Burley. Working with our partners at in Washington, just outside of Portland, means the ability to put the howl of this old wolf, and the voice of today’s confederacy, the heart of the Southern Movement in the Mountain West in front of all, on their Ipods, smartphones, and of course computers.
However if you think the heart of all of this is going to be in Burley, your wrong. The heart of HazzardAyre is going to be just where it was started as an OTA in 1976, In Buhl Idaho, two buildings down from the Buhl Herald, at 106-1/2 Broadway. With sub station studio here in Burley and American Falls.
And who is going to help in this? A sweet honey I met online , on FaceBook. Who lives in Buhl.
More on that Monday.
But from Layton Utah AyreWolfFM will launch July 2013 and of course from Fort Bridger Wyoming in 2014.
So what’s up with all of this?
Simple, When doors are slammed on the club from others, we build our own house.
Nuff Said.
More L8R
Quote of the Day:
The cynic is his own worst enemy. It requires far less skill to run a wrecking company than it does to be an architect.
--U.S. Andersen
2 Peter 3:9“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |