If you are scarffing down lunch and want to scan over the daily news beit national or local, seems as though your SOL. No real headlines or news reporting, just discussions. I want to see news.
Enter in The News Channel coming next fall from Confederate Star TV and Hazzard Nation Network.
TNC will be a real news channel with news bureaus all over the Mountain West, reporting news from a new point of view, that of, the Confederate States and Southern Movement. More over a Hazzard County seat of the pants view.
Including area high school newspaper reporters delivering things like news of their schools as well as Teen News, from a teens point of view.
Question is, why hasn't anyone else thought of this?
KTVB had an idea, their 24/7 channel reran the daily lunch news hour for 3 hours in the afternoon. Which if you missed it the first time, at least you could catch up on daily 411.
Read more on this in HazzardAyre, this week.
L8R Ya'll