Friday, March 9, 2012

Its Tuff to be a celebrity even when you don’t want to be.


me and Ellie MayRR HEADER

It’s truly tuff to be a celebrity, even when you don’t want to be. Just going to the store for snuff can be a real bummer. Thing is most people don’t know I am the one that’s inside your radio and in some places also on their TV’s, unless I open my mouth. That all said, and I started on this last night after my show, so I’m following the previous nights haul on the air here with this.

CMT, a subsidiary of Viacom , has put our beloved Dukes of ice. Guess the ratings boost for them following the movie ran out. Trouble is, and its already showing, CMT’s ratings already have began going under. Ratings means dollars, and TV network execs look at dollars more than they do anything else.

So the Knytes-of-Anarchy doing what we always do will take out ads on CMT for the club. Rub some green in front of their face and get the show back on, or just totally buy the show’s rights off of Viacom, and air the Dukes, on Confederate Star TV.

Saw what looks very much a poser on my Facebook page saying she was Selena. Now I could be wrong, but her agent needs to get in touch with me, but when I dropped that hint, to who ever it was , there on Facebook, I got a fuss brewing. Hey Facebook is a place for celebrities, myself, James Best(Roscoe-P-Coltrain) Ben and others are on Facebook all the time. I’m a bit more obvious, but still , I have been around the biz long enough to know if its real or a poser.

Disney ran Radio Rebel once again, and without all the interruptions it was good just to watch. I still think Disney would be smart to launch this as a series. Now that Disney is walking on thin ice with ratings, from putting a stop to Wizards of Waverly Place, and moving its very preteen programming to a thing called Disney Junior the Channel, Disney is going to have to beef up its inventory.

While I still watch from midnight on , Disney Channel, since CMT pulled the Dukes, and that the Disney Channel is the only thing on after midnight that is still good. Still some of the episodes of most of its shows are getting old quick.

Last, Saturday morning, set your clocks back an hour.  Daylight savings time. Must mean LDS Spring conference is approaching.

I had an idea. If SAMCRO MC held our Mountain West conference the same time at the same place as LDS Conference, might that be a hoot? A few of us two wheeled outlaws in the same Motel 6 in Woods Cross Utah, where most of those attending LDS conference stay.

Busy day today, start work on the new shop.

L8R, but hey start writing, emailing and all to CMT tell those jerky execs there at Viacom and CMT, that they’re screwing the pooch, scrubbing the Dukes.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.
--Albert Szent–Gyorgyi de Nagyraolt
2 Timothy 1:9“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,”

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