Friday, March 16, 2012

Ever think you’re the only one?


Before I get rolling out here this afternoon, prepping for my Satellite radio show on XM, I want to get off the tarmac , by saying Happy Birthday to Colby’s lil bro Caleb , now if Colby will tell Brother Tommy to give his ole buddy Cooter in Idaho a call, at 208-647-0610 it’d be good as we need to chat with Tommy.

Okay then.

I often wonder at the wasted marketing promotional talent out there, who fill my in box on my emails with pure bullshit. Or products that have little to no value to me.

From those at FaceBook to Google, to Yahoo, why not use that profile mining your doing and think about posting stuff in my suggestion boxes with stuff I can use?

I’d bend over bassackwards if just once there was an ad up there in my side column for Miller Industries who makes, towing equipment. Names like Holmes, Century, Chevron, Vulcan and so on. How about ads up there for TowParts, Truck-n-Tow , or even Federal Signal.

If you watch the TV any amount you have picked up in this repo show of Lick Lizard Towing. On the back of the tow truck in BOLD letters it reads DYNAMIC , that’s who makes that quick pick pickle wheel lift. So there’s popularity here. Miami Tow , produced by female music mogul Jennifer Lopez , has the BIG words, CHEVRON on the back of their shown equipment. With these tow shows popular now, how come such web site ad gurus aren’t out there kicking the doors of these manufacturers offering to put up the banner ads? Its completely idiotic to think that I need to be inundated by ads for everything from how to make my cock bigger or last longer, to ads for shit that I’d never use, like Proactiv Skin care products. Shit I’m 53 years old, I don’t have zits any more. So why spend the time marketing to me? Hell if these companies are that hungry for new business, here at HazzardAyre Radio, I’ll give em one hell of a bargain, I’ll advertise their products for a $1,000.00 a year nearly unlimited placement.

Then there are those notable dealers of products that I do use, who need to spend more time with their web ad department.

Example, ad came up from Jegs, for an MSD Atomic Fuel Injection system. Wanting to know if the product would work in my particular application, mainly a 454 CID, 8.0 liter V8 77 Chevy C-30. I was able to get the 411 of Chevy and year but model? didn’t work. Tech goof? Possible but for damn sure if its screwed up fix it.

Sure I make typo errors as I type studder. In essence my brain runs a tad bit faster than my fingers can type, so I make blunders. But I try to correct them. But the context is usually figured out.

All day today, I spent with our Treasurer on the phone, our area accountant, and business manager going over income versus outgo. This if for taxes. Yes even the Knytes have to pay taxes. Because in case you were wondering an MC is not considered a none profit, or tax exempt, organization. As such the revenuers are there with hand out.

Over the last five years, even with the downturns and hiccups in the nations economy. The Knytes-of-Anarchy, its extensions and subsidiaries have remained strong, and in certain areas of the nation even increased membership and brought in new revenue.

I’m proud as can be to be one of the founding 9 of the Knytes, I am proud to be one that has stuck by the club, although many times I thought of leaving, due to internal matters of my own, including the ridicule from MHI, But we have none the less , stuck together.

We have done without, sacrificed, bought only what we needed, sought as free or as near free vendors, and bartered. But we have survived and prospered.

With that said, still, when I see excellence or see stupidity I need to extrapolate and report it.

Of course too, when I open my email, I see these dopey ads and wonder is it only us they target? Example, some guy out Midwest, tried to swindle the club, into buying into some energy research company. Poking holes in Nebraska or somewhere. The question I ask is, first why the MC? Second do we look stupid?

So I pitched the guy a deal, spend some money with the MC on your end, on buying ad time on HazzardAyre Radio at $1,000.00 a year. Then we might be in a better mood to look at what you got your hand out for.

Guy hasn’t contacted me since.

Course have had the cell off for a month.

The Craig’s List ads for HazzardAyre, and all was the main cause of that. I needed relief. Cable-One offers me phone service for half of what I was paying for my cell service, and third , too much month not enuff extra cash. The payment made for a local radio station buy at $450K, plus the studio/office sucked out the wind from under my wings.

But April looks better. The $450K has been returned , half of that will go into our FM, here in Mini Cassia, the other half goes into the Utah operations which is why I need Colby’s bro Tommy to give me a call.

But do you ever look at things and think am I the only One doing this right? Or, Am I the Only One? Does make ya’ll wonder don’t it?

news_flash CMT has the Dukes back on, during midnight to 01:00 hours HST(Hazzard-Standard Time)

Next edition,

Dixie-Diesel/Hazzard Nationals(DukesFest West) 2012.

Coming to Mini Cassia this fall, after all.



Quote of the Day:
All men's misfortunes spring from their hatred of being alone.
--Jean de La Bruyère
Colossians 3:12“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

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