Sunday, March 18, 2012

Folks in big corporations need to get out more.


I have a headache that’s about to cause me to begin blurring my vision. Cause unknown. However a hot bath, Goody’s and some sleep should take the edge off.

That said, had a great time over the weekend at the Saint George Utah Airshow, but the flight home in my helo having to run the slot between the Mountains and over through Malta via Strevelle was a knuckle buster. Having to remain under angels 5 and above 800 .

Got home but I think it’s the adrenalin reduction causing head pain.

What I got from talking to so many at the show was, they have the opinion, that Idaho, or northern Utah are two of the worst places to do business. Or at least base anything serious.

The reasons ranged from a really restrictive religious demographic, to low population numbers.

Fact is; if a few would just get out of their ivory tower offices and cubical and come up here and eyes-of-the-wolflook they might see more than the stereotypes that the image of Idaho would depict. Few know that Idaho leads the nation in cheese milk production, is a leader in fresh frozen trout production, a leader in peppermint oil production. More over and while high tech or even anything technology production or ability. Skills for the industries needing math and science education, are not here (yet) but when I run into a something that ain’t, I say, I cain’t be the only one. Surly there are other companies big and-small, that need this or that. To my way of thinking that, means another opportunity for the club to do something.

Be it a radio/TV media skills school, a place that hand paints signs, not just computer generated decals, or a real computer repair shop. Web design service that can handle the entire project, and so on.

But major companies in major cities overlook Idaho or at least the upper great basin of the Wasatch front due to a seemingly poor view of what is here, not just what ain’t.

I saw something the other night watching TV in Saint George, about some little pooch, who got a gene misconfigured to where it was half asleep all the time. The critter lived in Chubbuck, Idaho. Did I see something on this, on any TV channel here? No. What the segment did show was a concerned and dedicated Veterinarian , who worked hard to find a cure. Although the outcome was poor, it showed that there is something more in Idaho than tater farmers.

There are good parts of Idaho, and over and above all Idaho or even Utah based economic improvement groups, including many Chambers of Commerce’ I will give a shout howdy to the Hazzard County Chamber of Commerce. For no organization does more with so few dollars to extend the welcome mat or the hey come up here and see what we got, more than the HC, CofC does.

The HC C-of-C is an extension of the Knytes-of Anarchy, and works all so quietly behind the scenes telling the story and why major firms, from Hooter’s to The Ole Cracker Barrel , to at least come up and look see.

From major related industry events from the Mid America Trucking Show, to major Aviation shows, to major biker events, the HC C-of-C is out there handing out pamphlets and information inviting a few not in the know to at least to come look.

The HC C-of-C even goes as far as, if there is a crisis, in a persons day, like oh example;

Few months back, one of our corporate sponsors, carved out an $8,000.00 check, that they sent through by wire to Chase Bank in Twin Falls. This is a sizable amount to be kicking through from bank to bank or through some wire funds service.

I sat here in Heyburn, with $2.00 in my pocket. Although through a club member did give me the $20.00 to go fetch the money, still I went to our local Mini Cassia Chamber of Commerce, asked two of the gals that worked there if they’d bumb me even $10.00 so I could go fetch $8,000.00 . It was after all the HC C-of-C that gave me the money.  And yet Mini Cassia Chamber of Commerce couldn’t be bothered.

Bullsbreath. Oh the club is looking at joining the Mini Cassia, C-of-C . But I’m not yet too warmed up to the idea.

And this from a town that holds itself out as warm, and helping.

Some need to take a page out of the Hazzard County good book.

The Bible says, if your neighbor is cold, give him your coat, if he is hungry, feed him, if your neighbor needs a place to sleep, give him your bed.

While I’m not into giving up my bed, still , if I have it, and I see someone who needs it, be it food, a little money, or shelter , I’m the first extending my hand. These are the things the lord teaches. These are the things people from Hazzard County believes in, and these are the things people, especially the Knytes-of-Anarchy, practices every day, every hour.

That’s what makes the club what it is, and why all of you both members and none members alike, should be part of: the Hazzard County Chamber-of-Commerce.

That’s what makes us, us, and why folks in big corporations need to get out more and look, both at our club, and the area we serve.

>The Hazzard County Chamber of Commerce will have its by monthly meeting Thursday at 1:00PM(13:00 hours)<

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Nothing is too high for a man to reach, but he must climb with care and confidence.
--Hans Christian Andersen
Galatians 5:22-23“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

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