Monday, March 19, 2012

Some of us just have bigger Stugots than others!!


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I get a sort of chuckle about over the goings on with Rush Limbaugh. He belts out one little noise about some gal being a slut, prostitute, heck Rush, should of just called her a stinky puss and been done with it.

That all said, while much of the time I use old fashioned CB trucker slang, for things like describing a smelly puss for rent, etc, I do 8 times the crap than anything Rush, does. More over I’m heard by more than Rush is, in more places, and the fact that my advertisers are sticking with me, and have done for 30 years now, makes ya’ll ask is there more to this Rush thing than some noise about the sexual activities of some legal student somewhere.

Now dig this too, I am the absolute only over the air radio personality, on mainstream radio, barking and howling the voice and issues of the Confederate National Party as well as the entire Southern Movement. And my sponsors are gaining in attention with a new demographic.

So I really don’t think that Rush’s attitude has slid from conservative to more pop radio star rather than talk radio host.

Rush’s popularity slid bad when he lost his TV show some years back. Then over some drug thing. The guy can’t catch a break.

The economy is so tight that sponsors are spooked of anything that will pull sales from their registers.

My only thought is, that there is something under the heap of manure that we aren’t smelling yet.

So many of Rush’s old sponsors, ad agencies are sending mail out to stations wanting names of personalities, program times, hell they want duplicate logs kept.

Too much of this and the Rush Limbaugh Show is going to go silent. small to medium sized stations don’t have the clerical staff to monitor or police all of this. So SMB stations will just drop Rush.

Who’s there to replace?


That’s who.

With all that in your grip, I want to just say this to Rush, his sponsors and all the stations that gave us the bird, Some of us have bigger Stugots imagesCA69MMON than others, and we are not afraid to display them.

Kim Lee and his groupies will be asking the same question once the diesel starts flowing through KDXB, here. When his two calve clingers the host in the morning and the one in the afternoon, which are getting worse ratings and thus less revenue, than we at KDXB are, will the offer to buy KBAR come out again ? To us? Have coffee with me sometime and I’ll tell ya’ll what’s really going on here with that.

Big day today. Studio getting started building over on west main for KDXB FM , see ya’ll this afternoon.

Just remember in radio in the Mountain West some of us have Bigger Stugots Untitled than the rest do and we ain’t afraid to show em.

L8R Ya’ll

NEW WOLF SIGme and Ellie May

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Quote of the Day:
Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.
--Albert Einstein
Galatians 5:22-23“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

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Have we not gotten better than this?


When I hear things like Afghan soldiers etc are going to invade America again, or that the itty bitty spacemen are coming, I gotta ask, what the hell do they want with this planet that’s the 3rd rock from our solar sun star? Especially when I read and hear reports like the young African-American teen going home through a planned community after fetching some Skittles Candy, gets shot? I’m not saying some of my own views are a bit racist at times, but this goes way out of the sand box. The thing is, the big bitch is that it was done by a white man. Fact is the kid was shot by some damn Cuban Chili shitter.

Now this is going to sound somewhat strange from a Confederate, but look, the African Americans were conned into getting on a damn ship, tied up and drug over here to work in cotton fields. The fact is not all were treated bad, some quite well.

On the same road here, no body is dragging up the Chili shitters over the border. Nobody wants that Mexican or Cuban weed they’re peddling over in our America, and yet they come in droves.

And what are they coming for? Better jobs? Shit, America’s economy is so screwed up it may well be Americans will be hoofing it over that fence to go work in Mexico. gas is cheaper in Mexico, rent and or home ownership is less in Mexico, and yet the Chiquita's and Hombres are coming up here. All bullshit.

But that’s getting off the subject.

What the hell, and ya’ll know it’s a fact, if that kid would have been white, cop or no cop, or wanna be cop, if a black guy would have popped a white kid, like that there would be a scream from one coast to another, the black guy would be in the klink, and facing murder charges if not strung up a keel hauled by now.

But because it’s a swapped around deal, hardly any barking at all cept for fodder on CNN and FoX News.

With segregation, equal rights, all the rest, and the tromping of the KKK, and their hideous policies, have we not gotten better than this? Next time the itty bitty spacemen come and need folks to go with them, I’m at the head of the line. As I say to Kahless(God) every day, God I’ve had enuff, I want to get off.

Good show last night but I’m tyred.

L8R Ya’ll

NEW WOLF SIGme and Ellie May

Quote of the Day:
If your number one goal is to make sure that everyone likes and approves of you, then you risk sacrificing your uniqueness and, therefore, your excellence.
Galatians 5:22-23“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

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Amazing ain’t it? The limitations still of the Web

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I often find myself scratching my brain wondering that with the so much it knows, how much it doesn’t know, concerning Web searches.

You can log into YouTube, enter a search request for Little Black egg, and find it.

Enter in the search request for information on Jimmy Mac, & The BlackJacks and only what little I have carved out comes up.

From one end of this Tragic Valley to the others and often for less than we were worth, Every other Saturday, mostly summer and during grad and pep drill gigs, Jimmy MacDonald, Myself, Ron Adams, Jimmy’s other half , Ricky, Bro and I loaded up my mini Diesel, and off to play music.

I have played music with many, in both pro and not so pro circles. But few could compare to Jimmy. Jimmy had only one eye, fingers that bled, due to hacking metal during the week at the Hazzard County Garage along with myself, but on stage that man could take any rock, pop and even a few country tunes and mirror them note for note or doing his own version of it. We did up a few of our own things, trouble was, Jimmy did not like to see any sign of being recorded. This puzzled many of us, especially Ron and myself.

I can remember Ron lining up this so called talent scout that ran some half baked catering service to come watch us, at one of T-Willy’s Cruize Nights in Boise.

It’d been good if she had.

That was one night that the magic covered the sky.

We basked in the warmth of those partying in front of us grooving to hot rods, food that was fried, and us.

We as a band packed every venue and gig, we did. From one of the last at Bliss High School, which was at grad that year, to the final winners dance, of the last Football game played at Bliss High School.

We were the last band to play the Trophy Club in Glenn’s Ferry Idaho, The last band to play the Rock Tavern in Jerome, in fact we were the last band to play in the lounge at the Ponderosa Inn of Burley. A gig set up by Mom, through owner George Forschler who in reality was in partnership with my Da , for ownership and operation of the former Ponderosa. >a slight interger here, the legal staff of the Knytes is looking into our claims on and my personal claim, on the money paid at the sale of the Ponderosa. Seems as though some paperwork has surfaced that shows that ye ole Wolf here was quite a bit short changed on that sale of that property. Part of which is some property with a shop, more on this in another entry<

Any whoose, The life story in fact the legend  that was Jimmy Mac, short for Mac-Donald, and the BlackJacks is so entrenched into the decade history of this area of Idaho, that I’m very surprised that no one outside of me has ever put up anything.

I only got melancholy over this, because I saw for a short time three days by the way, someone had put up 2 minutes of us at Bliss High School, playing music. Trouble is somebody took it down.

This all needs written about, cataloged and documented for once.

After we get the move complete from the Rode House into Knytes HQ on West Main here in Burley, I’m getting together with club historians to get this all in all forms of media. Written, video and of course audio.

What I will say is this. Throughout all this digging, there’s a bunch of people that’s going to get their ass scorched. A county Auditor Treasurer/Realtor, Another Real estate broker, several Sheriff deputies, one Sheriff, two Judges, who's butts will get fried. Reason, many cover ups and skullduggery is about to be uncovered.

Including two people who own radio stations in this area other than us.

Hey I told some people that they ought be nicer to the club, I tried to keep peace, but watch ass’s burn.



Quote of the Day:
Nothing is too high for a man to reach, but he must climb with care and confidence.
--Hans Christian Andersen
Galatians 5:22-23“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Folks in big corporations need to get out more.


I have a headache that’s about to cause me to begin blurring my vision. Cause unknown. However a hot bath, Goody’s and some sleep should take the edge off.

That said, had a great time over the weekend at the Saint George Utah Airshow, but the flight home in my helo having to run the slot between the Mountains and over through Malta via Strevelle was a knuckle buster. Having to remain under angels 5 and above 800 .

Got home but I think it’s the adrenalin reduction causing head pain.

What I got from talking to so many at the show was, they have the opinion, that Idaho, or northern Utah are two of the worst places to do business. Or at least base anything serious.

The reasons ranged from a really restrictive religious demographic, to low population numbers.

Fact is; if a few would just get out of their ivory tower offices and cubical and come up here and eyes-of-the-wolflook they might see more than the stereotypes that the image of Idaho would depict. Few know that Idaho leads the nation in cheese milk production, is a leader in fresh frozen trout production, a leader in peppermint oil production. More over and while high tech or even anything technology production or ability. Skills for the industries needing math and science education, are not here (yet) but when I run into a something that ain’t, I say, I cain’t be the only one. Surly there are other companies big and-small, that need this or that. To my way of thinking that, means another opportunity for the club to do something.

Be it a radio/TV media skills school, a place that hand paints signs, not just computer generated decals, or a real computer repair shop. Web design service that can handle the entire project, and so on.

But major companies in major cities overlook Idaho or at least the upper great basin of the Wasatch front due to a seemingly poor view of what is here, not just what ain’t.

I saw something the other night watching TV in Saint George, about some little pooch, who got a gene misconfigured to where it was half asleep all the time. The critter lived in Chubbuck, Idaho. Did I see something on this, on any TV channel here? No. What the segment did show was a concerned and dedicated Veterinarian , who worked hard to find a cure. Although the outcome was poor, it showed that there is something more in Idaho than tater farmers.

There are good parts of Idaho, and over and above all Idaho or even Utah based economic improvement groups, including many Chambers of Commerce’ I will give a shout howdy to the Hazzard County Chamber of Commerce. For no organization does more with so few dollars to extend the welcome mat or the hey come up here and see what we got, more than the HC, CofC does.

The HC C-of-C is an extension of the Knytes-of Anarchy, and works all so quietly behind the scenes telling the story and why major firms, from Hooter’s to The Ole Cracker Barrel , to at least come up and look see.

From major related industry events from the Mid America Trucking Show, to major Aviation shows, to major biker events, the HC C-of-C is out there handing out pamphlets and information inviting a few not in the know to at least to come look.

The HC C-of-C even goes as far as, if there is a crisis, in a persons day, like oh example;

Few months back, one of our corporate sponsors, carved out an $8,000.00 check, that they sent through by wire to Chase Bank in Twin Falls. This is a sizable amount to be kicking through from bank to bank or through some wire funds service.

I sat here in Heyburn, with $2.00 in my pocket. Although through a club member did give me the $20.00 to go fetch the money, still I went to our local Mini Cassia Chamber of Commerce, asked two of the gals that worked there if they’d bumb me even $10.00 so I could go fetch $8,000.00 . It was after all the HC C-of-C that gave me the money.  And yet Mini Cassia Chamber of Commerce couldn’t be bothered.

Bullsbreath. Oh the club is looking at joining the Mini Cassia, C-of-C . But I’m not yet too warmed up to the idea.

And this from a town that holds itself out as warm, and helping.

Some need to take a page out of the Hazzard County good book.

The Bible says, if your neighbor is cold, give him your coat, if he is hungry, feed him, if your neighbor needs a place to sleep, give him your bed.

While I’m not into giving up my bed, still , if I have it, and I see someone who needs it, be it food, a little money, or shelter , I’m the first extending my hand. These are the things the lord teaches. These are the things people from Hazzard County believes in, and these are the things people, especially the Knytes-of-Anarchy, practices every day, every hour.

That’s what makes the club what it is, and why all of you both members and none members alike, should be part of: the Hazzard County Chamber-of-Commerce.

That’s what makes us, us, and why folks in big corporations need to get out more and look, both at our club, and the area we serve.

>The Hazzard County Chamber of Commerce will have its by monthly meeting Thursday at 1:00PM(13:00 hours)<

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Nothing is too high for a man to reach, but he must climb with care and confidence.
--Hans Christian Andersen
Galatians 5:22-23“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Ever think you’re the only one?


Before I get rolling out here this afternoon, prepping for my Satellite radio show on XM, I want to get off the tarmac , by saying Happy Birthday to Colby’s lil bro Caleb , now if Colby will tell Brother Tommy to give his ole buddy Cooter in Idaho a call, at 208-647-0610 it’d be good as we need to chat with Tommy.

Okay then.

I often wonder at the wasted marketing promotional talent out there, who fill my in box on my emails with pure bullshit. Or products that have little to no value to me.

From those at FaceBook to Google, to Yahoo, why not use that profile mining your doing and think about posting stuff in my suggestion boxes with stuff I can use?

I’d bend over bassackwards if just once there was an ad up there in my side column for Miller Industries who makes, towing equipment. Names like Holmes, Century, Chevron, Vulcan and so on. How about ads up there for TowParts, Truck-n-Tow , or even Federal Signal.

If you watch the TV any amount you have picked up in this repo show of Lick Lizard Towing. On the back of the tow truck in BOLD letters it reads DYNAMIC , that’s who makes that quick pick pickle wheel lift. So there’s popularity here. Miami Tow , produced by female music mogul Jennifer Lopez , has the BIG words, CHEVRON on the back of their shown equipment. With these tow shows popular now, how come such web site ad gurus aren’t out there kicking the doors of these manufacturers offering to put up the banner ads? Its completely idiotic to think that I need to be inundated by ads for everything from how to make my cock bigger or last longer, to ads for shit that I’d never use, like Proactiv Skin care products. Shit I’m 53 years old, I don’t have zits any more. So why spend the time marketing to me? Hell if these companies are that hungry for new business, here at HazzardAyre Radio, I’ll give em one hell of a bargain, I’ll advertise their products for a $1,000.00 a year nearly unlimited placement.

Then there are those notable dealers of products that I do use, who need to spend more time with their web ad department.

Example, ad came up from Jegs, for an MSD Atomic Fuel Injection system. Wanting to know if the product would work in my particular application, mainly a 454 CID, 8.0 liter V8 77 Chevy C-30. I was able to get the 411 of Chevy and year but model? didn’t work. Tech goof? Possible but for damn sure if its screwed up fix it.

Sure I make typo errors as I type studder. In essence my brain runs a tad bit faster than my fingers can type, so I make blunders. But I try to correct them. But the context is usually figured out.

All day today, I spent with our Treasurer on the phone, our area accountant, and business manager going over income versus outgo. This if for taxes. Yes even the Knytes have to pay taxes. Because in case you were wondering an MC is not considered a none profit, or tax exempt, organization. As such the revenuers are there with hand out.

Over the last five years, even with the downturns and hiccups in the nations economy. The Knytes-of-Anarchy, its extensions and subsidiaries have remained strong, and in certain areas of the nation even increased membership and brought in new revenue.

I’m proud as can be to be one of the founding 9 of the Knytes, I am proud to be one that has stuck by the club, although many times I thought of leaving, due to internal matters of my own, including the ridicule from MHI, But we have none the less , stuck together.

We have done without, sacrificed, bought only what we needed, sought as free or as near free vendors, and bartered. But we have survived and prospered.

With that said, still, when I see excellence or see stupidity I need to extrapolate and report it.

Of course too, when I open my email, I see these dopey ads and wonder is it only us they target? Example, some guy out Midwest, tried to swindle the club, into buying into some energy research company. Poking holes in Nebraska or somewhere. The question I ask is, first why the MC? Second do we look stupid?

So I pitched the guy a deal, spend some money with the MC on your end, on buying ad time on HazzardAyre Radio at $1,000.00 a year. Then we might be in a better mood to look at what you got your hand out for.

Guy hasn’t contacted me since.

Course have had the cell off for a month.

The Craig’s List ads for HazzardAyre, and all was the main cause of that. I needed relief. Cable-One offers me phone service for half of what I was paying for my cell service, and third , too much month not enuff extra cash. The payment made for a local radio station buy at $450K, plus the studio/office sucked out the wind from under my wings.

But April looks better. The $450K has been returned , half of that will go into our FM, here in Mini Cassia, the other half goes into the Utah operations which is why I need Colby’s bro Tommy to give me a call.

But do you ever look at things and think am I the only One doing this right? Or, Am I the Only One? Does make ya’ll wonder don’t it?

news_flash CMT has the Dukes back on, during midnight to 01:00 hours HST(Hazzard-Standard Time)

Next edition,

Dixie-Diesel/Hazzard Nationals(DukesFest West) 2012.

Coming to Mini Cassia this fall, after all.



Quote of the Day:
All men's misfortunes spring from their hatred of being alone.
--Jean de La Bruyère
Colossians 3:12“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Why hide behind a FalseFace?


There are some that accuse ye ole Wolf here of starting fuss’ when there ain’t no need to. Fact is this ain’t one of those times.

I always have asked the big question , why hide behind a FalseFace? On the hit series and I believe one of the movie episodes of BatMan was a character named FalseFace. Half of what he was , the other not anything like he really was.

I saw on FaceBook someone that wanted to enter my Friends area that said she was the REAL , Selena Gomez. After some simple questions and detective work determined this young seat cover was in no way Selena. Question is why? Why be a celebrity when you aren’t? More over is or are some teens and tweens that in need of mentors and role models that they impersonate some super star online?

When I state that I’m I’m already a celebrity, that’s not howling at a false moon. The fact is on the basis of the Mountain West and Over The Air Radio, I am a celebrity. But nothing to the measure of Selena Gomez. However, by comparison, if I’d have wanted to start crap online I could go in and say I was Howard Stern. There’s way too many things Howard and I have in common, that I could make that work, but I don’t. Ye ole AyreWolf here is just me, good ole AyreWolf, on AyreWolf FM  KDXB FM 105.3.

But no more, no less.

Later this afternoon, I’ll read the best responses I get  on FaceBook concerning this question.

More L8R


2 Peter 1:4“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Overcast Sunday in Hazzard


Usual Sunday in March here in Hazzard. Get up late finding I did not reset clock for the changeover. Never could figure out who came up with that poem, or whatever, that tells you of the changeover.

So then start to watch NASCAR running in Vegas, thing is. Ever since NASCAR chickened out of remembering its heritage in view of being politically correct, I have no big reason to watch NASCAR. More over refusing the General Lee to run the opening lap. Bullshit. Hazzard County made NASCAR , if it had not been for the General Lee and the Dukes opening up the eyes of so many during prime time, NASCAR would have remained the obscure and yes southern based sport it started as. To change views in view of simply cash, rather than tradition and all, means NASCAR has become too much of what Mr. French dreaded it would become after his death.

Maybe NASCAR needs to look at itself. More over it proves that there is a serious need for groups like ours to be teaching Southern Heritage. So then tired of NASCAR, switched to the only channel on TV with any serious content, the Disney Channel.

Is it that the Disney Channel has more money than the rest of the Cable and other TV networks and channels, or did Disney figure out how to better deploy its resources to create programming that both adults as well as teens and preteens can watch and enjoy.

ABF Family was supposed to be the adult version of the Disney Channel and is owned by ABC/DISNEY but , that said, if Disney started putting TV shows for adults on the Disney Channel, the rest of both Cable and network TV might as well put up the FOR SALE in their windows.

Disney does one other thing I find refreshing.

Disney took the idea of the fact that your paying for cable, why insult you by airing commercials? So Disney outside of its own shows and movies airs no TV ads.

Wonder if the rest of cable/and network TV could get that Idaho.

I’ll be back on air Monday, but I needed to refresh myself and and after a few people hurt me as they did, I needed to refresh my mind of exactly where and what my place is in this media thing of the Knytes.

Some decisions were made.

The major one is selling the tower west of Hagerman and the FCC Allocation/License/CP as well as the one near Arco Idaho. Take the money, apply it to Nevada and Wyoming, After all when I leave here, ain’t no one really wanting to come back here at least not mean. I have not yet found out if you can legally change where your born, or whatever, but I’m going to attempt to remove all things that ever had anything to do with my family as far as Idaho. Or this part of it. That also means calling in a bunch of loans, favors , and repossession work on a bunch of property Mom & Dad loaned money on that ain’t ever been paid for. Including some, to Mr. Al Lee, of Lee Family Broadcasting. See if Kim, squeals now.

Then its unearth Mom & Dad’s graves and the headstone that has my name on it, from down Grace way, and move it all to Utah. If not Utah, down near Dad’s family in Conyers Georgia. To hell with these lying northern yankees.

More Monday.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
--W. C. Fields
Deuteronomy 7:9“Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.”

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me and Ellie May