It usually starts out that hang arounds and prospects of the club, usually need some sort of clue as to just what their stepping into when they pledge to be part of the club.
However out of three only two had the remotest Idea of what Sturgis was.
For anyone that’s been on two wheels, the word Sturgis sends excitement running up and down the spine. For religious types , Sturgis sends another kind of chill running up between their minds.
While its not exactly a kid unfriendly event, its not exactly like going to the county fair ridding the whirly whirl.
Sturgis is though a religious happening to all who love bikes, and the biker lifestyle. But lets take this further, since The Knytes-of-Anarchy is not just a bikers club.
The Knytes-of-Anarchy without this getting into a long winded blog entry, is a group of rebel, very Confederate, gearheads, that is the evolutionary extension of a small group started in 1982 in the town of Hagerman Idaho as the Hazzard County Knytes(Knights).
In 2008, with things of and about Hazzard fading we reworked the club, into the Knytes-of-Anarchy so that we could go more urban and not as much rural.
In 2001 upon a leave of me from the UCSMC to Jerome, and discovering AirPower Unlimited in Jerome, a small band of military aviation enthusiasts was formed that evolved into a group simply called The AyreWolvez. The AyreWolvez in a snap shot description are bikers with wings, that truly fly. So how does military, aircraft and bikers melt together? Simple, some of us who flew love bikes. The fact that as of to date there are no open hangers in Idaho, but shop space to build bikes is. However that said, for our club, two events are religious, The big Airshow in Oshkosh Wisconsin, and Sturgis. The Third in years when we can make it is DukesFest aka the Hazzard County Homecoming Reunion.
Which brings me to the header here.
While DukesFest is great and all, there are some DOH (Dukes-of-Hazzard ) fans that just cain’t fly, drive etc to Nashville or back east, yet would not mind rubbing elbows and getting an autograph of Cooter, or the rest of the cast.
Enter in DukesFest West/Hazzard Nationals Burley Idaho fall 2013. Here will be the biggest all things Southern , Confederate, and yes Hazzard, ever to be in the west. Not just Idaho, not just the Mountain West , but west period.
Fine rides, fine babes, fine food. From General Lee, to LexiBelle and everything in between, including AirWolf will be here, on display.
However to get to point B from point A will take a bunch of outside promotion. Sadly the Idaho area media just ignores anything to do with SAMCRO MC, The Knytes or the AyreWolvez. Don’t ask me why. The main thing many have said is that we exploit women. My reaction to this is, sure we put a gal on a bike, in leather, and that’s wrong, but that same gal can go to an area bar, damn near rip her clothes off and flirt with every guy in there and that’s OKAY. Go figure.
Across from where I rest at night is a billboard. Plans are to erect a billboard for the club, it will look something like this
In a few months another will be seen promoting the Hazzard Nationals aka DukesFest West.
I urge all the young and not so young starlets and gals of a rebel attitude and personality to get on board. This could be a step forward to the next movie casting for you.
Now on some personal items.
While this deal of me residing at the Powers is what it is, its very , and I mean very , temporary. I’m already looking at new quarters. This ain’t no place to live. Reasons are many but if your considering this place think twice and three times.
Okay then.
The concept here is a long ride.
From Boise to Salt Lake City, back up US 89 to Evanston through Kemmerer to Jackson Hole to Sturgis. Stopping in scenic places. Trip goes out on July 20th, if your interested in this ride give me a shout.
Until L8r Ya’ll

Quote of the Day:
A thing is not necessarily true because badly uttered, nor false because spoken magnificently.
--Saint Augustine of Hippo
Psalm 138:8“The LORD will vindicate me; your love, LORD, endures forever— do not abandon the works of your hands.”
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