Friday, February 17, 2012

TV Guide should take a slyde

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With it being Friday, me still sick as a bad wolf pup that ate one the stinking little pigs, I’m inside the radio albeit on autopilot. That said, tonight too is the premier of Radio Rebel,

17REBEL_SPAN-articleLarge starring the voluptuous scrumptious Debby Ryan, of Disney’s Jessie fame.



So I took a cruise on the Cyber highway to TV Guide’ site to find out time that Radio Rebel would be on here, since time designations is not one of the Disney Channel’ strong points.

What I found was a bunch of crap to dredge through just to look at the what’s on TV on TV Guide. Shit ain’t these people making enuff money doing the whatever it is that they are doing. Could it be that the reason, with all things HazzardAyre and the club as profitable as it is and has been kicking ass of some that thought their shit didn’t stink are too proud to sit up like a injured poodle and admit it, that in another article. But we have not only held together but prospered. Why or how? Simple, cuzz we been here at it b4.

Sure if one drives up looks at the Rode House they are not always impressed. They envision a grand gold fixture, multi layered office structure. What they see is an old house. My rides are needing help in both looks as well as mechanically. Some little, the other moderately. But have I had time? Better yet, place? I had one place, but putting a compressor, much else anything heavy on the power system at that shop, the pole would have exploded. Everything else in Mini Cassia service shop wise, is so out of any reasonable price range for any reasonable return on that investment, that I said, wait till summer. Funny, Utah even metro Utah, that could justifiably charge more for office and/or shop rent doesn’t. Shute in Metro Utah one can rent a full blown ultra prestigious office, for $400.00 a month and that includes electric. Shop about a hundred more a month. With an economy that even got Governor Hubert to roll back some taxes to business’ , so why not here? Sure one can rent a house here cheap. The ultimate op here is, train Boo-Boo, and Mello-Yello, to the point, I can comfortably go to Evanston for housing and shop, Metro Utah for Utah Radio ops, and know that the radio/media operations for the club in Idaho is in good hands. I’d usually leave this in Ricks hands cept, Rick is tyred of the go nowhere Idaho attitude, and shit, that he’s looking to exit to Wyoming as well.

One of these days the political landscape, Victorian farm based ultra religious attitude of SouthWestern and Central Idaho will change. Which is why the club is keeping a finger in the pudding here. Just like we did and do in Tooele Utah. Tooele Utah if you remember was in this pit in the mud economic posture when we arrived there the first time. Since then economic expansion , some say spurred by us, occurred there. A new hospital, the raceway, just to name a few. And powering it, KEMK, soon to hail as KDXD FM KTOW AM.

In closing why is it that TV Guide, one of the utmost information bases of entertainment 411, needs to have all those pop up ads, that many contain malware, and hidden Trojans , on their site.

Makes one wonder. And to those who ask how can we join your media force? Simple email me its on my blog header.

L8R Ya’ll Radio Rebel is on.

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Romans 8:35,37“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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Say Whut?


Of course tonight is the premier of the heavily promoted Radio Rebel on the Disney Channel. With scrumptious Debby Ryan as its star and focus character.

Debby-Ryan-006 debby-ryan-never-say-never

Debby Ryan is also the star of the Disney Channel’ Jessie, and did bits on So Random and a Suite Life. Debby is about as versatile as any talent can be. The question how is Disney going to separate Debby from Radio Rebel and Jessie? Or will Jessie fade to black?

The other question is whut clock does Disney work from. They have been pointing the premier of Radio Rebel as 19:30 hours(7:30PM) yet in reality its at 21:00 hours(9:00PM) . From Wizards of Waverly Place to Shake-it-Up, when Disney says its at 19:30 hours, the real time is near 21:30 hours. So from which coast or time frame is Disney working from?

Finally, I noticed that the Weekly News Journal of Burley Idaho is looking for a reporter. I have been thinking of applying , but most likely would be rejected.

Makes ya’ll wonder who got tired of the crap at the Journal, don’t it?

Perhaps the LDS Skunk kisser Jay publisher of the Journal, ought not to force LDS attitudes on the rest of us, through restrictions on what gets reported or the comments someone submits.

The same condition is at the Voice, but again, I need to say this; I was LDS until I saw the light. But I went on my mission, I did the LDS goody – goody bit. But I learned and its taught, do not force LDS views and beliefs on anyone, LDS member or none member. Yet what do the two mainstream news publications do? Force LDS standards right down our throats.

The area has only one independent news voice, both print, radio and as soon as we can TV. That is HazzardAyre, and thankfully, The publication is part of us here of the Knytes-of-Anarchy.

L8R Ya’ll

ayre tag station banner card

Quote of the Day:
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
Romans 8:35,37“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
all tail

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hey I tried to be polite

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Despite popular opinion , all who honor and respect the confederate states flag are not stupid, nor rednecks nor without intelligence. Some of figured it out a few years ago, some not soon enough. The fact is there are many groups, that wave that flag in defense, celebration and seek independence from Government oppression.

The thing to remember about the Knytes-of-Anarchy is that we do not harbor hate or discourse. We do not reek havoc in the communities we live in, and attempt as best as possible, respect and obey the law. Oh sure we wear our club cuts, we love our hot gals with scoots, and yes grabbing coffee at racy truck stops. Yes we love NASCAR as well as NHRA racing, but we also are out quietly changing public, government and local policy.

But tell someone on Facebook, that they need to learn how to spell, and use grammar, and a tide of grumpy people yell. Bullshit.

Just because I love my Confederate Flag does not make me uneducated.

Guess that’s what separates the Knytes, from the peasants.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
No great advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion, without controversy.
--Lyman Beecher
1 John 3:11“[More on Love and Hatred] For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Is it really LIVE or recorded?

Where did being talented segue into recorded to edit to air. More over , Why is it that NO-ONE tells you its recorded?

Consider that just about every TV and many radio shows(except HazzardAyre) are from the east coast or at least outside of the Mointain west. It goes up to the satellite, and from there to a dish, then back out onto the local ayrewaves, into your ears or b4 your eyes.

Shortly after the discovery of what many in the broadcast industry term the Drake Chanualt years, many broadcast stations decided to go to recorded or at least automated.

Take the 2012, Super Bowl. The notice on Bing and the Messenger front page is a link to watch the game free, online. Trouble is by the time You here got to watch it online, the game was over. Many in our area, recorded much of the game, meaning going live via NBC SportsOnline, the game was over.

Why didn't someone pull that banner ad?

There was old slogan by a celophane tape maker that used to say, " Is it live ? Or recorded?" In essence, its over here b4 it starts.

More on this, gotta watch High School Musical 2.

L8R Ya'll


Friday, February 3, 2012

Al Wyatt JR. Passes away last night

It is with great sorrow that I must pass this along to ya'll.

Last night into very early morning, legendary stunt man for the Dukes Of Hazzard passed away.

Details are sketchy at this time. But need to say that our hearts here at the Knytes-of-Anarchy are heavy and thoughts and prayers go out to Wyatt's family.

More L8R


On the Road Again


Another grand day begins in the neighborhood. Or so it would seem.

Last night into early morning there was our monthly pow-wow here at the Wolfs Den and it became very clear that as much as we all love our Hazzard County roots and as much of that , that we can preserve we will, but the main goal at the reformation of the club, that was sadly in of all places and I say this with a great bad taste in my mouth, but the Knytes-of-Anarchy was created in the small western Idaho town of Glenn’s Ferry.

When we did rework the club, it was based on the idea that the Hazzard County thing had for the most part ran out of fuel. We then found that outside of a dedicated 10 5 of the original founding members, still lived near the town that we in 1981 recreated the town of Hagerman Idaho into Hazzard Idaho.

At that time we completely decided to rework the club from the original roots of a classic/custom commercial truck and military aviation enthusiasts group, that was called the TeenAge Truckers Association a first 4-H Truck transportation club, combined with afore mentioned Military Aviation club, called the Iron Eaglez Club.

It just so happened that the 2nd season of Sons of Anarchy was on TV.

To be different we decided not to follow the focus of SOA, being Harley’s or be a MC but be a TC or truckers group. As it our eyes and hearts, truckers ARE bikers , with more wheels and steel.

To make sure, we wouldn’t violate copyright laws, a phone call, really 12 calls were made come to find out the original story, that is the book Jax always reads from on the TV show, by John Thomas Teller was in fact one of those that was in service with my step brother Stephen Michael Montgomery. In short our request was approved by the parties involved and the real (REAL)SAMCRO MC along with the Knytes-of-Anarchy was created in the fall of 2008, and approved at Shorty’s Saloon in Boise, October 2008.

That’s the history, not the present and future.

The Knytes-of-Anarchy has been trying to gain footing in Idaho since then. Thing is the Utah sub-Charter all got behind the new idea, since the reformed club, reached all the way back to what we were founded on. Being the custom club of big rig trucks(including Tow Trucks) and a group dedicated to the preservation of old skool trucking and the old skool trucker lifestyle.

The only additions are the AyreWolvez , and SAMCRO MC as a prevision of the ability to duplicate the Sons of Anarchy into the Knytes-of-Anarchy.

The results by the way on a personal note, opened an old door for me, allowing me to find a 3rd summer time addition to Dixie Toewing that being Hazzard County Choppers or HCC.

While the door of HazzardAyre is still open, we decided for a members dedicated news publication as well as a publication for those who love them classic old big rigs, and to finally bring the Knytes-of-Anarchy to full boil, we launch, KnyteAyre .

Any way good morning.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
Everything that can be invented has been invented.
--Charles H. Duell
Psalm 59:16“But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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